Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sometimes you marvel at the stupidity of people. The ones who run a red light, then flip YOU the bird because you almost hit them. The ones who cannot understand why they have to at least get a GED before they homeschool their children. And the ones who think that what they were taught in history class in school is the truth! Doesn't anyone read real history books anymore? Does no one even think about the fact that history is written by the "winner" of any conflict? I love the fact that I when I was talking about the "Puritans" hanging Quakers, I was informed of the fact that "That didn't happen." Seemingly, the colonial court records are all wrong, because the schoolbooks state that the puritans came over so America could have religious freedom for all. Hello...they came so that THEY could have that freedom, not so anyone else could! I just want to say...go read a book!

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